%0 Journal Article %T Taurodontism of multiple teeth ¨C A Case Report %A Joshy V.R %A Maji Jose %A Rajeesh Mohammed %J Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology Journal %D 2011 %I Kairali Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologists %X Taurodontism is a rare dental anomaly affecting primarily the molars and are usually found in association withother anomalies or as a part of syndrome. This anomaly which was considered as a feature of primitive man is alsoreported in modern man with less prevalence rate. In this article we are reporting rare case of a fifteen year old malepatient presented with taurodontism involving all the developed molars of all four quadrants, which was not associatedwith any other anomalies or syndromes. %K Taurodontism %K bullĄ¯s tooth %K permanent molars %K diagnosis %U http://a4add.com/remoteupload/uploads/2040/share/12951092016185_myfile.pdf