%0 Journal Article %T INDICATIONS ET/OU GESTES CHIRURGICAUX INHABITUELS DANS LE CANCER DU POUMON %A G. Pavy %J Jurnalul de Chirurgie %D 2012 %I University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi %X In lung cancer, surgical procedure is usually indicated for patients under 75 years old with a normal respiratory and cardiac function. Actually, the standard procedure is lobectomy,associated with an extensive lymphadenectomy. However, due to the people aging, the lungcancer incidence was increasing in elderly patients, and surgery has to be performed over 75 years old. In these conditions, a correct appreciation of respiratory and cardiac functions is mandatoryas well as a correct staging of the tumor using non invasive (e.g. PET CT) or invasive (e.g.mediastinoscopy, thoracoscopy) exams. After the appraisal completion, different surgical procedures less (e.g. wedge resection) or more invasive (e.g. extended lobectomy) can beperformed. Seriate procedures are indicated in synchronous cancers (e.g. lung and colo-rectal %K LUNG CANCER %K SURGERY %K LOBECTOMY %K MEDIASTIONSCOPY %K THORACOSCOPY %U http://www.jurnaluldechirurgie.ro/jurnal/docs/jurnal112/art%20017%202012%20nr%201.pdf