%0 Journal Article %T Nematodes of zoonotic importance in Cynoscion guatucupa (Pisces) in the state of Rio de Janeiro Nemat¨®ides de importancia zoon¨®tica em Cynoscion guatucupa (Pisces) no estado do Rio de Janeiro %A Gabrielle Fontenelle %A Marcelo Knoff %A Nilza Nunes Felizardo %A Leila Maria Silva Lopes %J Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterin¨¢ria %D 2013 %I Col¨¦gio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinaria %X Between January and August 2012, thirty specimens of Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) caught off coast of the municipality of Itaja¨ª, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil (26¡ã 54¡ä 28¡å S and 48¡ã 39¡ä 43¡å W) and commercialized in the state of Rio de Janeiro were investigated for the presence of zoonotic nematodes. In total 853 larvae of four nematode parasite species were found. There were three species of Anisakidae: three larvae of Anisakis sp., with prevalence (P) of 10%, mean intensity (MI) of 1.0, mean abundance (MA) of 0.1 and infection site (IS) in the mesentery; five of Terranova sp. with P = 13.3%, MI = 1.25, MA = 0.17, range of infection (RI) from 1 to 2 and IS = mesentery; and seven of Contracaecum sp. with P = 6.6%, MI = 3.5, MA = 0.23, RI = 1 to 4 and IS = mesentery and abdominal cavity. There was one species of Raphidascarididae: 838 larvae of Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum with P = 83.3%, MI = 33.52, MA = 27.93, RI = 1 to 219 and IS = mesentery, liver serosa and abdominal cavity. This is the first report of larvae of Anisakis sp. and Contracaecum sp in C. guatucupa in Brazil. Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum; Anisakis sp.; Terranova sp.; Contracaecum sp.; Cynoscion guatucupa Entre janeiro e agosto de 2012, 30 esp¨¦cimes de Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) pescados no litoral do munic¨ªpio de Itaja¨ª, estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil (26¡ã 54¡ä 28¡å S and 48¡ã 39¡ä 43¡å W) e comercializados no estado do Rio de Janeiro, foram investigados quanto ¨¤ presen a de nemat¨®ides zoon¨®ticos. Foram encontradas 853 larvas de quatro esp¨¦cies de nemat¨®ides parasitos. Tr¨ºs esp¨¦cies pertencem ¨¤ Anisakidae, sendo tr¨ºs larvas de Anisakis sp., com preval¨ºncia (P) de 10%, intensidade m¨¦dia (IM) de 1, abundancia m¨¦dia (AM) de 0,1 e s¨ªtio de infec o (SI) o mesent¨¦rio; cinco de Terranova sp., com P = 13,3%, IM = 1,25, AM = 0,17, amplitude de varia o da intensidade de infec o (AI) de 1 a 2 e SI = mesent¨¦rio; e sete de Contracaecum sp., com P = 6,6%, IM = 3,5, AM = 0,23, AI = 1 a 4 e SI = mesent¨¦rio e cavidade abdominal. Uma esp¨¦cie pertence ¨¤ Raphidascarididae, sendo 838 larvas de Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum com P = 83,3%, IM = 33,52, AM = 27,93, AI = 1 a 219 e SI = mesent¨¦rio, serosa do f¨ªgado e cavidade abdominal. Este ¨¦ o primeiro registro de larvas de Anisakis sp. e Contracaecum sp. em C. guatucupa no Brasil. %K Hysterothylacium deardorffoverstreetorum %K Anisakis sp. %K Terranova sp. %K Contracaecum sp. %K Cynoscion guatucupa %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1984-29612013005000244