%0 Journal Article %T ASSESSING AND MODELING THE READINESS OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT %A Shin-Ping Liu Tucker %J International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies %D 2012 %I Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research %R http://dx.doi.org/10.7903/ijecs.1094 %X The purpose of this study is to assess various instruments, including Information System Assessment (ISA), Information Technology Governance (ITG), and Organization Information System Alignment (IS-ALIGN) to examine their ability to measure the readiness of electronic government. The E-Government (EGOV) instrument was adapted from the study of the Action-Audience Model to measure how well the government is prepared to usher in E-Government in terms of various success factors at the planning, system and data levels. An on-line survey was conducted in Denton, Texas. An invitation letter of the survey was sent out to the 1100 employees of the City of Denton via email, 339 responses were received, yielding a response rate of 31%. Although the modified models were in line with the theoretical hypotheses, the confirmation of the relationships among the constructs still needs researchers to pursue more reliable models, either by replication of this research or by establishing a new theoretical model. However, the significant validity and reliability measures discussed in this study indicate that the instrument of this E-Government readiness model has the potential for use in further adoption studies. %K Electronic Government %K E-Government %K E-Government Readiness Model %U http://www.academic-journals.org/ojs2/index.php/ijecs/article/viewFile/1094/117