%0 Journal Article %T Kala defanged: Managing power in Java away from the centre %A Andrew Beatty %J Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde %D 2012 %I Brill %X If discussions of power in Indonesia have been too Java-centric, power talk about Java has been equally overcentralized. This article presents an alternative view to the top-down, hierarchical, exemplary-centre approach of Anderson, Geertz and others: the view from Banyuwangi in East Java. Through an analysis of local rituals, popular theatre and political action it proposes a different model based on consensus, relativism, and ritual containment. %K Java %K Power %K Banyuwangi %K Kala %K Ritual %K Indonesia %K Exemplary centre %U http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/btlv/article/view/8526