%0 Journal Article %T Overburdening: Two books on the British politics towards Southeast Asia from 1943 to 1965 %A Jaap Anten %J Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde %D 2012 %I Brill %X Review of:Peter Lowe, Contending with nationalism and communism; Britishpolicy towards Southeast Asia, 1945-65. Basingstoke and NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, xii + 312 pp. [Global conflictand security since 1945.] ISBN 9780230524873. Price: GBP 60.00(hardback).T.O. Smith, Britain and the origin of the Vietnam War; UK policyin Indo-China, 1943-50. Basingstoke and New York: PalgraveMacmillan, 2007, xiii + 229 pp. [Global contlict and security since1945.] ISBN 9780230507050. Price: GBP 60.00 (hardback) %K book review %U http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/btlv/article/view/8515