%0 Journal Article %T El desarrollo del Derecho Internacional a trav谷s de la funci車n consultiva de la Corte Internacional de Justicia %A Rafael Tamayo Franco %J ACDI : Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional %D 2010 %I Universidad del Rosario %X The Charter of the United Nations Organization establishes twomain functions the International Court of Justice should perform; first, the well known contentious function, which aims to settle differences between Member States, and second, the advisory function, open to the Security Council and to the General Assembly 每also to the organisms the General Assembly authorizes每.This article presents general aspects of the advisory function and itsimportance from a double optic: the consolidation of International Lawinstitutions and its potential utility in the settlement of international disputes 每or preventive diplomacy每; to concludeconsidering ways of extensive use of the advisory function in theinternational system. These propositions based on more of 60 years of advisory practice of the ICJ %K International Court of Justice %K advisory function %K International Law %K preventive diplomacy %K international relations %U http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/acdi/article/view/1424/1304