%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯ex¨¦cution des d¨¦cisions des juridictions internationales des droits de l¡¯homme: vers une harmonisation des syst¨¨mes r¨¦gionau %A Elisabeth Lambert - Abdelgawad %J ACDI : Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional %D 2010 %I Universidad del Rosario %X This article, which compares the legal monitoring procedures of thejudgments of the European and Inter-American Court of Human Rights,states that these regimes were initially thought of in very diverse terms. Indeed the political approach at the European level is opposed to the judicial approach adopted by the Inter-American system. This study demonstrates how through evolution, which has already occurred in Europe but is still in preparation in America, both regional systems are moving closer together towards a mixed system (judicial and political) involving several organs, at the international and national levels. Facing similar cases of noncompliance(for either technical or political reasons), both systems try to reply throughnon punitive measures. %K African Court of Human Rights %K European Court of Human Rights %K Inter American Court of Human Rights %K Committee of Ministers (Council of Europe) %K restitutio in integrum %K victims %K reopening of judicial procedures %K declaratory judgment %K Parliamentary Assembly (Council of Europe) %K General Assembly (OAS) %K Protocol 14 (ECHR) %K national agents of implementation %K right to the execution. %U http://revistas.urosario.edu.co/index.php/acdi/article/view/1731/1574