%0 Journal Article %T Book reviews %A Redactie KITLV %J Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde %D 2011 %I Brill %X Jan J. Boersema, Beelden van Paaseiland: Over de duurzaamheid van een cultuur (H.J.M. Claessen) Henri Chambert-Loir (ed.), Sadur: Sejarah terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia (E.P. Wieringa) Andr¨¦e Feillard and R¨¦my Madinier, The end of innocence? Indonesian Islam and the temptations of radicalism (Andy Fuller) Andrew Goss, The floracrats: State-sponsored science and the failure of Enlightenment in Indonesia (Andreas Weber) Rachel V. Harrison and Peter A. Jackson (eds), The ambiguous allure of the West: Traces of the colonial in Thailand (Luuk Knippenberg) Brigitta Hauser-Sch ublin and I Wayan Ardika (eds), Burials, texts and rituals: Ethnoarchaeological investigations in North Bali, Indonesia (Thomas Reuter) Carolyn Hughes, Dependent communities: Aid and politics in Cambodia and East Timor (Helene Van Klinken) J.A. de Moor, Generaal Spoor: Triomf en tragiek van een legercommandant (Harry A. Poeze) Peter J. Rimmer and Howard Dick, The city in Southeast Asia: Patterns, processes and policy (Sheri Lynn Gibbings) Knut M. Rio and Olaf H. Smedal (eds), Hierarchy: Persistence and transformation in social formations (Toon van Meijl) Henry Spiller, Erotic triangles: Sundanese dance and masculinity in West Java (Paul H. Mason) Rupert Stasch, Society of others: Kinship and mourning in a West Papuan place (Anton Ploeg) Susanto Zuhdi, Sejarah Buton yang terabaikan: Labu rope labu wana (Muhammad Fuad) Terutomo Ozawa, The rise of Asia: The ¡®flying geese¡¯ theory of tandem growth and regional agglomeration (Mark Beeson) Uka Tjandrasasmita, Arkeologi Islam Nusantara (H¨¦l¨¨ne Njoto) %K Book reviews %U http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/btlv/article/view/7909