%0 Journal Article %T Sutan Pangurabaan rewrites Sumatran language landscapes: The political possibilities of commercial print in the late colonial Indies %A Susan Rodgers %J Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde %D 2012 %I Brill %X An exploration of the exuberant publishing activities and circa 1930s texts by a largely unknown Sumatran vernacular writer, Sutan Pangurabaan Pane, father of the better-known authors Armijn and Sanusi Pane. Sutan P¡¯s schoolbooks, how-to guides, and antiquarian volumes used Angkola Batak and Indonesian to promote a robust vision of Batak linguistic and cultural excellence. Flying under the radar of Dutch governmental censorship, Sutan P¡¯s many works both mimicked and interrogated European textual forms, in sometimes anxious, ambiguous ways. %K Batak literatures %K arts of resistance %K colonial Sumatra %U http://www.kitlv-journals.nl/index.php/btlv/article/view/8511