%0 Journal Article %T Projection of bootstrap current in the ITER with standard type I ELMy H-mode and steady state scenarios %A Yutthapong Pianroj %A Thawatchai Onjun %J Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology %D 2012 %I Songkla University %X The investigation of bootstrap current formation in ITER is carried out using BALDUR integrated predictive modelingcode. The combination of Mixed B/gB anomalous transport model and NLCASS module together with the pedestal model isused in BALDUR code to simulate the time evolution of temperature, density, and plasma current profiles. It was found inthe simulations that without the presence of ITB, a minimal fraction of bootstrap current (as well as low fusion performance)was achieved. The enhancement due to ITB depends sensitively on the strength of toroidal velocity. A sensitivity study wasalso carried out to optimize the bootstrap current fraction and plasma performance. It was found that the bootstrap currentfraction slightly improved; while the plasma performance greatly improved with increasing of NBI power or pedestal temperature.On the other hand, higher impurity concentration resulted in a significant degradation of fusion performance, buta smaller degradation in bootstrap current. %K ITER %K bootstrap current %K BALDUR %K fusion performance %K transport %U http://rdo.psu.ac.th/sjstweb/journal/34-1/0125-3395-34-1-77-91.pdf