%0 Journal Article %T Analyzing parliamentary discourse: systemic functional perspective. Parlamento diskurso analiz : sistemin funkcin perspektyva %A Laura Treimane %J Kalbotyra %D 2011 %I Vilnius University %X Contemporary research views parliamentary discourse as a variety of political language which is largely defined by its contextual properties and thus requires a contextual approach of analysis. According to the systemic functional theory, a contextual discourse analysis is the analysis of register, i.e. the analysis of the text as embedded in its situational context. The present research demonstrates the relevance of the systemic parameters to parliamentary discourse analysis where the parliamentary transcripts of the debate held at the British House of Commons and the Latvian Parliament (Saeima) are used as the empirical data. The investigation of parliamentary texts reveals a consistent occurrence of fixed lexico-grammatical patterns, namely, noun phrases which are realized as politeness formulas and verb phrases which ensure the legislative procedure. Both in Latvia and in Britain these fixed patterns may be considered as indexical features of parliamentary register. The contextual analysis reveals significant discrepancies in the interpretation of the categories of context within systemic functional linguistics and underscores the necessity of developing a more systemic context framework which would employ extra-linguistic, rather than linguistic, criteria for context analysis. Naujausi diskurso tyrimai rodo, kad parlamento diskursas laikytinas viena formaliausi ir savo normas turin i politinio diskurso atmain . is diskursas apibr iamas specifiniais konteksto bruo ais, t. y. vieta, dalyviais ir tematika, o jo tyrimai neatskiriami nuo konteksto analiz s. Konteksto analiz kalbotyroje sietina su sistemine funkcine gramatika, kurioje kalba suprantama kaip socialinis semiotinisĦ° rei kinys, tirtinas konkre iame socialiniame kontekste. Straipsnyje apra omu tyrimu siekiama parodyti sistemini funkcini parametr svarb parlamento diskurso analizei. Empiriniai tyrimo duomenys rinkti i transkribuot Did iosios Britanijos Bendruomeni r¨ħm ir Latvijos Seimo debat . Analiz atskleid tam tikr leksikos vartojimo pana um angl ir latvi kalbose, pavyzd iui, abiej ali parlamentarai vartoja sustabar jusi mandagumo pasakym ir veiksma odini jungini , laikytin indeksin mis strukt¨ħromis. Vis d lto konteksto analiz s metodas, taikytas laikantis sistemin s funkcin s tradicij , i k l netik t konteksto kategorij apibr ties ir sampratos nenuoseklum . Tyrimo i vadose teigiama, jog tolesn sistemin s funkcin s teorijos s km priklausys nuo to, ar tyr jams pavyks tiksliau apibr ti konteksto analiz s parametrus. %K political discourse %K parliamentary discourse %K systemic functional theory %K contextual discourse analysis %U http://www.kalbotyra.flf.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Kalbotyra_63_78-941.pdf