%0 Journal Article %T Alt n Orda, Osmanl ve Meml¨¹klerin Aksak Timur'a Kar Birlik Kurma Meselesine Dair (On the Efforts to Establish an Alliance against Tamerline by the Golden Horde, Ottomans and Mameluks) %A £¿lnur Mirgaliyev %J Karadeniz Ara£¿t£¿rmalar£¿ %D 2010 %I Center for the Black Sea Studies %X This article analyzes the alliance made against Timur between Golden Horde, The Ottomans and the Mamluk Kingdom. The relationship of the Golden Horde with the Ottomans and the Mamluk Kingdom had always been friendly. After the common enemy appears on stage, these three countries were forced to make an alliance with each other both on political and military issues since these countries were located closely and the common enemy were threatining all of them. While Ilhanid posed a threat for these countries in the XIII-XIV centuries, after the end of the XIV. Century, Timur and his expeditions started to be dangerous for these countries. Against the irridentist policies of Timur, The Golden Horde started to act in union with the Ottomans and the Mamluk Kingdom. Although the countries have established an alliance against Timur, they have failed to act together which resulted in the defeat of them by Timur one by one in order. %K Golden Horde %K Tatars %K Ottmomans %K Mamluk Kingdom %K Timur. %U http://www.karam.org.tr/pdf/altin-orda-osmanli-ve-memluklerin-aksak-timura-karsi-birlik-kurma-meselesine-dair-1270216194.pdf