%0 Journal Article %T ¡°The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr¡­¡± in the light of worldly and metaphysical views of Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann. Part III %A Kalinnikov L. A. %J Kantovskij Sbornik %D 2012 %I Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University %R 10.5922/0207-6918-2012-4-7 %X This article sets out to demonstrate that E. T. A. Hoffmann¡¯s novel ¡°The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr¡­¡± is cvonstructed in accordance with the classification of anthropological types given n Kant¡¯s work ¡°Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blo en Vernunft¡±. %K Kant¡¯s transcendental anthropology %K anthropological types %K human nature %K the biological and social in a human being %U http://journals.kantiana.ru/upload/iblock/a18/D£¿D¡ãD£¿D£¿D£¿D£¿D£¿DoD£¿D2_59-69.pdf