%0 Journal Article %T The Petrographical-Geochemical Properties and Industrial Availability of the Karadeniz Eregli Andesites (Zonguldak) %A Gščrkan Bacak %J Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal %D 2011 %I Bščlent Ecevit University %R http://dx.doi.org/10.7212%2fzkufbd.v1i1.8 %X Aim of this study is to determine the geological properties (lithology, petrography, geochemistry) and industrial usibility of the Upper Cretaceous volcanics, seperated on the area, among Kozlu-Krd. Ere li and Ormanl , westside of Zonguldak. Volcanics, described as andesite, basaltic andesite and trachy-andesite by petrographically and geochemically, have subduction zone calk-alkaline character. Firstly, in laboratuary studies the aggregate tests (grading, specific gravity, water absorption, organic impurity, flakiness index, Los Angeles test for resistance to wear, peeling test, freezing resistance and UCS were realized on the 5 selected fresh patterns, match with the standarts (TS, ASTM, AASHO). Secondly, concrete tests (grading of the concrete aggregates, concrete preperation, slump test, specific density of concrete and UCS of the concrete) were made on the concrete patterns with volcanic aggregate additive.Statistical relationships were determined between values of the agreggate and concrete tests results. Both petrographical, chemical, physical and mechanical tests values of the agreggates and concretes are also match with the standarts, given above.As a conclusion, realized that volcanic aggregates for superstructure materials and C 25/30 concrete which made with volcanic aggregate (by using the specimen of N-4 aggregate) for rainforcement buildings, bridges, foundation walls can be used. %K Andesite %K Aggregate %K Kdz. Ere li %U http://fbd.beun.edu.tr/index.php/zkufbd/article/view/8/114