%0 Journal Article %T Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumlulu un De i tirdi i al ma Kavram ve Yeni Bir al ma Alan Olarak Sosyal Giri imler %A Volkan I£¿£¿k %J Sosyal G¨¹venlik Dergisi %D 2013 %I Social Security Institution, Turkey %X Bu makalenin yaz l amac ; al ma kavram n n ya ad de i im s¨¹recinde kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk anlay n n etkisini tart mak ve ¨¹ ¨¹nc¨¹ sekt r¨¹n artan nemiyle birlikte devam eden s¨¹re te sosyal giri imleri yeni bir al ma alan olarak de erlendirmektir. al ma kavram ge mi te oldu u gibi bug¨¹nde bir de i im s¨¹reci i erisindedir. Kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk anlay n n geli imiyle ba layan bu de i im s¨¹reci, ¨¹ ¨¹nc¨¹ sekt rde ya anan geli meler ve nihayet sosyal giri imlerin tarih sahnesine kmas yla birlikte al ma kavram nda yeni anlam aray lar n n ortaya kmas na sebep olmu tur. Bir yandan toplumlar n kalk nmas nda nemli roller ¨¹stlenirken, di er yandan y¨¹zy llard r toplumlar n al agelmi davran lar n de i tirerek ve bir tak m ezberleri bozarak k kl¨¹ d n¨¹ ¨¹mlerin ya anmas na zemin haz rlayan sosyal giri imler; g¨¹n¨¹m¨¹zde giri imcili in yaln zca ticari alanda, al man n ise yaln zca gelir amac yla yap labilece i y n¨¹ndeki geleneksel anlay de i tirmekte ve bu anlay do rultusunda yeni bir al ma alan yaratmaktad r. Purpose of writing this article is; to discuss the effect of corporate social responsibility understanding and evaluate social enterprises as a new field of working environment with the increasing importance of third sector.Employment concept is in a period of change, just like it was in the past. This period of change, starting with the development of social responsibility understanding, has caused to new pursuits for a new meaning in employment concept with the appearance of social enterprises. Social enterprises which paved the way for radical changes by changing accustomed behaviours and breaking the routine while playing an important role in development of nations; is changing the traditional understanding that the enterprises are only commercial and employment is only for a revenue, and creating a new field of study in accordance with this understanding. %K Sosyal Sorumluluk %K ¨¹ ¨¹nc¨¹ Sekt r %K Sosyal al ma %K Sosyal Giri im %K Social Responsibility %K Third Sector %K Social Work %K Social Enterprise %U http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/974123a5-f2e6-4f42-a6eb-a9b8411a9ebd/5.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=974123a5-f2e6-4f42-a6eb-a9b8411a9ebd&CSRT=7420694814397984403