%0 Journal Article %T Geotechnical Properties of Acar Formation (Alapl -Zonguldak) %A G¨¹l£¿ah Akkaya %A H¨¹lya Keskin £¿£¿t£¿ro£¿lu %J Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal %D 2012 %I B¨¹lent Ecevit University %R http://dx.doi.org/10.7212%2fzkufbd.v2i2.93 %X In this study; it has been investigated geotechnical properties of the geological units which the Acar formation is between (49+946-50+808) kilometers in Alapl (Zonguldak) region. Acar formation (Ka) aged Cretaceous consists of very much alterated and completely alterated levels of siltstone-mudstone, siltstone-sandstone (Ka1), intercalations of siltstone-mudstone, siltstonesandstone (Ka2), and andesite (Ka3). The formation has been classified as very low strengthly, low strengthly, high strengthly rock medium according to uniaxial compression strength prepared by Deere and Miller (1966) and according to point load strength prepared by Bieniawski in 1975. Ka1, Ka2 and Ka3 units are determined as weak rock, moderate strengthly rock and very strengthly rock category by using ISRM (1981) rock classifications. %K ISRM %K Acar formation %K Geotechnic %U http://fbd.beun.edu.tr/index.php/zkufbd/article/view/93/67