%0 Journal Article %T T¨¹rkiye¡¯de Sosyal G¨¹venlik Sisteminin Kurum ve Kapsam Olarak Geli imi ve Sosyal G¨¹venlik Adaleti %A Osman Bayri %J Sosyal G¨¹venlik Dergisi %D 2013 %I Social Security Institution, Turkey %X Bu al ma T¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyal g¨¹venlik sisteminin kurum ve kapsam olarak geli imini ve sosyal g¨¹venlikadaletini analiz etmeyi hedeflemektedir. Sosyal sigorta programlar n n kapsam n n analizinde, sadece sosyalsigorta programlar na kaydedilenlerin say s de il, ayn zamanda fiili olarak bu programlara katk yapanlarda dikkate al nmaktad r. Sosyal sigorta programlar na ilaveten, sosyal yard m ve sosyal hizmetler de sosyalg¨¹venlik kapsam n n belirlenmesinde g z n¨¹nde bulundurulmaktad r. B ylece T¨¹rk sosyal g¨¹venlik sistemininkapsam n n daha ger ek i bir ekilde belirlenmesi ve a klanmas hedeflenmektedir. al ma ayr caT¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyal g¨¹venlik adaletinin kurumsal farkl l klar ve sosyal sigorta ve sosyal g¨¹venlik programlar n nkapsam a s ndan nemini ortaya koymay ve analiz etmeyi de hedeflemektedir. Analiz sonu lar T¨¹rkiye¡¯de sosyal sigorta ve sosyal g¨¹venli in kapsam n n geli imi i in baz politikalar n d¨¹zg¨¹n ekildeuygulanmas ve daha verimli, etkin ve adil bir sosyal sigorta ve sosyal g¨¹venlik sisteminin kurulabilmesi i inbaz yasal d¨¹zenlemelerin yap lmas gerekti ini g stermektedir.This study aims to analyze the development of social security system as of institution and coverage and thesocial security justice in Turkey. It is considered not only the number of people who are enrolled in socialinsurance programs but also the actual number of contributors to the social insurance programs in the analysisof the coverage of social insurance. In addition to the social insurance programs, social assistance and socialservices are taken into account in the determination of social security coverage. Therefore, the study is aimedto determine and explain the coverage of Turkish social security systems more realistically. The study is alsoaimed to emphasize and analyze the social security justice in Turkey in terms of institutional diversities andcoverage of social insurance and social security programs. The results of analyses indicate that several policieshave to be carried out precisely in order to develop the coverage of social insurance and social security andsome amendments have to be made in order to establish more efficient, effective and just social insurance andsocial security system in Turkey. %K Sosyal g¨¹venli in kurumsal geli imi %K sosyal g¨¹venlik sisteminin kapsam %K sosyal g¨¹venlik adaleti %K kay t d istihdam %K T¨¹rkiye %K Institutional development of social security %K coverage of social security system %K social security justice %K informal employment and Turkey %U http://sgd.sgk.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/a0a761e7-c72e-440e-aa64-504d4330aa7a/2.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=a0a761e7-c72e-440e-aa64-504d4330aa7a&CSRT=2723455842602497763