%0 Journal Article %T T¨ırkiye Sa l k Harcamalar n n Analizi ve Sa l k Harcama D¨ızeyinin Uygunlu unun De erlendirilmesi %A Yusuf £żelik %J Sosyal G¨ıvenlik Dergisi %D 2011 %I Social Security Institution, Turkey %X T¨ırk e zeti Bu al mada, ge mi y llarda ger ekle en T¨ırk sa l k harcamalar n n analizi di er ¨ılke ve ¨ılke gruplar n n sa l k harcamalar ile kar la t rmal olarak analiz edilmi tir. Temel ama sadece sa l k harcamalar n n, kar la t rmas n yapmak de il ayn zamanda en uygun sa l k harcama d¨ızeyinin ne oldu u sorusunun cevab n yan tlamaya al makt r. ¨ılkeleraras ki i ba sa l k harcamalar k yasland zaman ¨ılkeler aras farkl l klar n ok b¨ıy¨ık oldu u ve baz ¨ılkelerin GSYH'nrn %1'ini baz lar n n ise % 10'dan daha fazlas n sa l k hizmetleri in harcad klar n g rebilmekteyiz. Yine ¨ılkeleraras k yaslamalarda ¨ılke sa l k stat¨ıleri ile sa l k harcamalar aras nda do rudan bir ili ki olmad da son derece a kt r. Bu durumda en uygun sa l k harcama d¨ızeyine karar vermede, benzer ¨ılkeler yakla m , politik ekonomi yakla m , ¨ıretim fonksiyonu yakla m ve b¨ıt e yakla m sa l k politikac lar n n kullanabilecekleri ara lar aras nda yer almaktad r. Ancak her arac n kullan labilirli i, avantaj ve dezavantajlar ¨ılkeden ¨ılkeye farkl l k g sterebilmektedir. ngilizce zetiIn this study, Turkish health expenditures occuring in the previous years were analyzed by compering its level with other countries' and country groups' health expenditures. The main purposes were set as compering the level of Turkish health expenditures and as answering the question 'what is the adequate level of health expenditure in a country'. When compered the per capita health expenditures of countries, it can be observed that the differences between countries were very much and some countries spent 1% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for health services while some spent more than 10%. According to country comperisions, it is also clear that there is no direct relationship between the level of health status and health expenditure. in this case, peer pressure approach, political economy approach, production function app-roach and budget approach were the tools that health policy makers might use in determinig the adequate level of health expenditures. However, the usefullnes, advantages and disadvantages of each tool differs according to countries. %K T¨ırkiye %K sa l k harcamas %K sa l k harcamalar n n uygunlu u %K Turkey %K health expenditure %K adequate level of health expenditure %U http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/36bdb4ff-c752-42a7-b63e-f46441846e40/YUSUFCELIK.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=36bdb4ff-c752-42a7-b63e-f46441846e40&CSRT=3499795586698200661