%0 Journal Article %T - Aile Ya am at mas le Ba a kmada Kullan lan Bireysel Ve Kurumsal Stratejilerin De erlendirilmesi %A Emine £¿zmete %A I£¿£¿l Eker %J Sosyal G¨¹venlik Dergisi %D 2013 %I Social Security Institution, Turkey %X Bu al ma, kamu sekt r¨¹nde al an kad nlar n ve erkeklerin i ve aile ya am at mas ile ba a kmada kulland klar stratejileri, bu stratejileri kullanma s kl klar n , i ve aile ya am at mas ile ba a kmada uygulanan kurumsal stratejileri de erlendirme durumlar n , kurumun yaz l i ve aile ya am dengeleme politikas na ili kin bilin lilik durumunu, kurum taraf ndan al anlara sunulan i ve aile ya am d¨¹zenlemelerine ili kin fark ndal k durumunu belirlemek amac ile y¨¹r¨¹t¨¹lm¨¹ t¨¹r. Ara t rma rneklemini kamu sekt r¨¹nde al an 300 kad n ve erkek olu turmaktad r. Ara t rma sonucunda; al an bireylerin en ok ¡°iyi bir i plan yapmak¡± stratejisini kulland klar ; bireysel i leri planlama a s ndan esnek olmaya al t klar , d ar dan yard m alma kapsam nda ise ¡° ocuklar n bak m i in ¨¹cretli yard m alma¡±n n en ok kullan lan strateji oldu u; ya ve ocuk say s n n i -aile at mas ile ba a kmada kullan lan stratejileri belirleyen de i kenler olarak ortaya kt belirlenmi tir.This study was conducted to determine that strategies using coping with work-family conflict, frequency of using these strategies, status of assessment of organizational strategies that applied coping with work-family conflict, state of consciousness in related to organization¡¯s written policy of balancing work and family life, state of awareness of arrangements work-family life offered to employees by organization men and women working in public sektor. Totaly 300 women and men working in public sektor were inculuded in research sample. The result of study was determined that the most using strategy by working individuals ¡°to make a good business plan¡±; trying to be flexible in terms of plannig individual work, as part of getting help from outside ¡°getting paid help for the care of children¡± is the most widely used strategy; age and number of children reveals as the variables which determine the strategies used to cope with work-family conflict. %K -aile ya am at mas %K i ¨Caile ya am at mas ile ba a kma %K aile dostu kurumsal stratejiler %K Work-family conflict %K coping with work-family conflict %K family friendly organizational strategies %U http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/68ec7caa-8216-4d0c-bd6d-145f4a66ded7/2.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=68ec7caa-8216-4d0c-bd6d-145f4a66ded7&CSRT=7420694814397984403