%0 Journal Article %T Frequ¨ºncia de disfun o sexual em mulheres com doen as reum¨¢ticas Frequency of sexual dysfunction in women with rheumatic diseases %A Clarissa de Castro Ferreira %A Licia Maria Henrique da Mota %A Ana Cristina Vanderley Oliveira %A Joz¨¦lio Freire de Carvalho %J Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia %D 2013 %I Sociedade Brasileira de Reumatologia %X OBJETIVO: Pesquisar a preval¨ºncia de disfun o sexual em mulheres com as seguintes doen as reum¨¢ticas: l¨²pus eritematoso sist¨ºmico, artrite reumatoide, esclerose sist¨ºmica, s¨ªndrome antifosfol¨ªpide e fibromialgia acompanhados no Ambulat¨®rio de Reumatologia do Hospital Universit¨¢rio de Bras¨ªlia e do Hospital das Cl¨ªnicas da Universidade de S o Paulo. M¨¦TODOS: Utilizou-se o ¨ªndice de fun o sexual feminina (Female Sexual Function Index - FSfi), question¨¢rio que cont¨¦m 19 itens que avaliam 6 dom¨ªnios: desejo sexual, excita o sexual, lubrifica o vaginal, orgasmo, satisfa o sexual e dor. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 163 pacientes. A m¨¦dia de idade foi de 40,4 anos. A preval¨ºncia de disfun o sexual foi de 18,4%, por¨¦m 24,2% das pacientes n o apresentaram atividade sexual nas ¨²ltimas 4 semanas. Entre os subgrupos, as pacientes com fibromialgia e esclerose sist¨ºmica foram as com maior ¨ªndice de disfun o sexual (33%). Se excluirmos as pacientes sem atividade sexual, a taxa de disfun o sobe para 24,2%. CONCLUS O: A preval¨ºncia de disfun o sexual encontrada neste estudo foi menor em rela o ¨¤ literatura. Entretanto, 24,2% das pacientes entrevistadas negaram atividade sexual nas ¨²ltimas 4 semanas, o que pode ter contribu¨ªdo para o baixo ¨ªndice de disfun o sexual. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in women followed up at the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of the Hospital Universit¨¢rio de Bras¨ªlia and of the Hospital das Cl¨ªnicas da Universidade de S o Paulo with the following rheumatic diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus; rheumatoid arthritis; systemic sclerosis; antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; and fibromyalgia. METHODS: The Female Sexual Function Index (FSfi), obtained by applying a 19-item questionnaire that assesses six domains (sexual desire, arousal, vaginal lubrication, orgasm, sexual satisfaction and pain), was used. RESULTS: This study assessed 163 patients. The mean age was 40.4 years. The prevalence of sexual dysfunction was 18.4%, but 24.2% of the patients reported no sexual activity over the past 4 weeks. Patients with fibromyalgia and systemic sclerosis had the highest sexual dysfunction index (33%). Excluding patients with no sexual activity, the sexual dysfunction rate reaches 24.2%. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction found in this study was lower than that reported in the literature. However, 24.2% of the patients interviewed reported no sexual activity over the past 4 weeks, which might have contributed to the low sexual dysfunction index found. %K sexualidade %K disfun o sexual %K doen as reum¨¢ticas %K qualidade de vida %K comportamento sexual %K sexuality %K sexual dysfunction %K rheumatic diseases %K quality of life %K sexual behavior %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0482-50042013000100004