%0 Journal Article %T Sa l ve G¨ıvenli i Hakk n n Korunmas : verenin verenin Sa l ve G¨ıvenli i Organizasyonu %A Z. G£żn¨ıl Balk£żr %J Sosyal G¨ıvenlik Dergisi %D 2012 %I Social Security Institution, Turkey %X T¨ırkiye, i kazas ve meslek hastal klar a s ndan, d¨ınyada ilk s ralarda yer almaktad r. al anlar n i g¨ıvenli i hakk n n koruma alt na al nmas g revinin yerine getirilmesi; gerek devlet ve gerekse i ili kilerinin taraflar n n, al ma ili kilerindeki i sa l ve g¨ıvenli iyle ilgili koruma sistemlerine sahip kmas na ba l d r. g¨ıvenli i hakk n n korunmas i in, i in yap lmas ndan do an tehlikelerin ortadan kald r lmas veya azalt lmas yollar n n ara t r lmas yoluyla yasa koyucunun i sa l ve g¨ıvenli ine dair mevzuat h¨ık¨ımlerini yeniden yap land r lmas gerekmektedir. te yandan i veren de, i ilerin i in yap l mas ndan do an tehlikelere kar , i sa l ve g¨ıvenli iyle ilgili y¨ık¨ıml¨ıl¨ıklerini yerine getirmek ¨ızere i sa l ve g¨ıvenli i organizasyonunu kuracak ve y netecektir. veren, kurdu u i sa l ve g¨ıvenli i organizasyonuyla; i yerindeki t¨ım tehlikelerin ortadan kald r lmas amac yla, i sa l ve g¨ıvenli ini sa lamak ¨ızere dikey ve yatay b¨ıt¨ınle me ilkelerini kullanarak, genel ve zel organizasyon y¨ık¨ıml¨ıl¨ı ¨ın¨ı yerine getirecektir. Turkey takes place near the top of the list in terms of work accidents and occupational illnesses. Ensuring the protection of the right of safety at work of employees depends on the fact that both the state and the parties of the work relationship watch the protection systems related to occupational health and safety. To protect the right of occupational health, it is essential that the legislation about occupational health and safety is restructured by the law makers through examination of the ways of removing or diminishing the hazards emerging from the nature of conduct of work. On the other hand, the employer is required to establish and manage an organisation of occupational health and safety to fulfil his/her liabilities related to occupational health and safety ensuring the protection of employees against the hazards emerging from the conduct of work. The employer through the organisation of occupational health and safety, will fulfil his/her responsibility of general and specific organisation by using the vertical and horizontal integration principles in order to ensure occupational health and safety for the purpose of removing all the hazards at work place. %K sa l ve g¨ıvenli i hakk %K i verenin i g¨ıvenli i organizasyonu %K Right of occupational health and safety %K safety organisation of the employer %U http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/wcm/connect/f2c1bd85-0ce0-42b3-ba36-8004ed592ff1/ZGONULBALKIR.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=f2c1bd85-0ce0-42b3-ba36-8004ed592ff1&CSRT=11047590757904569804