%0 Journal Article %T Belge Y netiminde Kurumsal Ko ullar n De erlendirilmesi: T¨¹rkiye K z lay Derne i rne i / Evaluation of Institutional Conditions in Records Management: The Example of Red Crescent Society %A K¨¹lc¨¹ %A Hande Uzun %A K¨¹lc¨¹ %A £¿zg¨¹r %J Bilgi D¨¹nyas£¿ %D 2009 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne?i %X al ma kapsam nda kurumsal belge i lemlerini etkileyen ko ullar ve sorunlar tespit etmek amac yla anket yap lm t r. Anket al mas T¨¹rkiye K z lay Derne i (TKD) genel merkez birimleri ile ba l birimlerde belge i lemlerine y nelik zg¨¹n ko ullar tan mlayabilmek i in ger ekle tirilmi tir. al man n hipotezi "T¨¹rkiye K z lay Derne i¡¯nde belge y netimi uygulamalar kurumda yap lacak kapasite de erlendirme al mas ile geli tirilebilir¡± eklinde belirlenmi tir. Ger ekle tirilen anket TKD i erisinde personel e itiminde, belge eri ime d n¨¹k ¨¹st veri unsurlar n n tan mlanmas nda, eri im k s tlamalar , de erlendirme ve imha i lemlerinde, denetim mekanizmalar n n olu turulmas nda, uygulamalar n birimlere yay lmas nda sorunlar ya and n , ileti im ve rutin yaz malarda elektronik ortama ge i in ncelikli alanlardan oldu unu g stermi tir. Ara t rma sonucunda, belgelerle al an TKD personeli kapasite de erlendirme al mas ile kurumun belge sisteminin geli tirilebilece ine %96,7 oran nda destek vermi , analizler sonucunda da kurumun belge y netim program nda sorunlar ya and ortaya km ve hipotezimiz kan tlanm t r.In order to identify the conditions and problems of institutional records management upon the example of Turkish Red Crescent Society, surveys were carried out both at the headquarters and branches, to examine the general hypothesis: ¡°Records management applications might be elaborated by means of capacity evaluation attempts¡±. Survey results had shown that 96.7% of the personnel shared the fundamental opinion behind the hypothesis. Moreover, the analysis of the results had indicated that the institution experiences difficulties with its the records management system. The difficulties had been observed to arise especially in personnel training, defining metadata for accessing records, restrictions to access, evaluation and annihilation processes, establishing supervision, broadening the applications and the transition into the electronic communications media. %K Belge y netimi %K Kapasite de erlendirme %K T¨¹rkiye K z lay Derne i %K Records management %K Capacity assessment %K Turkish Red Crescent Society %U http://www.unak.org.tr/BilgiDunyasi/gorusler/2009/cilt10/sayi1/35-59.pdf