%0 Journal Article %T Okul K¨¹t¨¹phanecilerinin G r¨¹ lerine G re Okul K¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹ De erlendirmesi = Assessment of School Culture Based on the Views of School Librarians %A £¿nal %A H. £¿nci %A Ekici %A Selda %J Bilgi D¨¹nyas£¿ %D 2012 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne?i %X Bu al ma ile okul k¨¹t¨¹phanelerinde g rev yapan k¨¹t¨¹phanecilerin g r¨¹ leri al narak okulk¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹n¨¹n belirlenmesi hedeflenmi tir. Ara t rma rneklemini T¨¹rkiye¡¯deki zel okul k¨¹t¨¹phanelerinde al an ve Okul K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne i¡¯ne ¨¹ye olan k¨¹t¨¹phaneciler olu turmaktad r. Haz rlanan anket ve l ek, Okul K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne i arac l ile ¨¹yelerine g nderilmi , 15 farkl okuldan toplam 21 k¨¹t¨¹phaneciden yan t al nm t r. Elde edilen bulgulardan, ara t rma kapsam na giren okullar n genel olarak ¡°g¨¹ l¨¹ fakat geli tirilmesi gereken¡± k¨¹lt¨¹r zelliklerine sahip oldu u tespit edilmi tir. Okul k¨¹t¨¹phanelerinde al an k¨¹t¨¹phanecilerin g r¨¹ lerine g re, okullar n en g¨¹ l¨¹ oldu u k¨¹lt¨¹r boyutu ¡°etkili ileti im¡±, en zay f oldu u k¨¹lt¨¹r boyutu ise ¡°demokratik y netimve kat l m¡± d r. ¡°Motivasyon¡± boyutunda vasat ve zay f k¨¹lt¨¹r zellikleri sergileyen okullar n oklu u dikkat ekicidir, fakat olumsuzluklara ra men ¡° rg¨¹tsel ba l l k¡± boyutunda g¨¹ l¨¹ zellikler sergilendi i tespit edilmi tir. / The aim of this research is to determine the school culture according to the views of the librarians who work in school libraries. The sample of this research consists of librarians who work in private school libraries in Turkey and members of the Turkish Association of School Librarians. Prepared questionnaire and scale were sent to members through the Turkish Association of School Librarians and total of 21 questionnaires were obtained from 15 different schools. The results show that schools within the scope of research have ¡°strong but developable¡± cultural characteristics in general. According to the views of librarians working in school libraries, schools¡¯ most powerful cultural dimension is ¡°effective communication¡±, the worst cultural dimension is ¡°democratic governance and participation¡±. There are many schools exhibiting ¡°medium¡± and ¡°low¡± cultural characteristics in the dimension of ¡°motivation¡± but most of the schools despite negative effects exhibit ¡°strong¡± cultural characteristics in the dimension of ¡°organizational commitment¡±. %K Okul k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹ %K rg¨¹t k¨¹lt¨¹r¨¹ %K Okul k¨¹t¨¹phaneleri %K Okul k¨¹t¨¹phanecileri %K School culture %K Organizational culture %K School libraries %K School librarians %U http://bd.org.tr/index.php/bd/article/view/8/28