%0 Journal Article %T A fast approach to global alignment of protein-protein interaction networks %A Giorgos Kollias %A Madan Sathe %A Shahin Mohammadi %A Ananth Grama %J BMC Research Notes %D 2013 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1756-0500-6-35 %X Using heuristic matching algorithms in the IsoRank pipeline exhibits dramatic speedup improvements; typically x30 times faster for the total alignment process in most cases of interest. More surprisingly, these improvements in compute times are typically accompanied by better or comparable topological and biological quality for the network alignments generated. These measures are quantified by the number of conserved edges in the alignment graph, the percentage of enriched components, and the total number of covered Gene Ontology (GO) terms.We have demonstrated significant reductions in global network alignment computation times by coupling heuristic bipartite matching methods with the similarity scoring step of the IsoRank procedure. Our heuristic matching techniques maintain comparable - if not better - quality in resulting alignments. A consequence of our work is that network-alignment based orthologies can be computed within minutes (as compared to hours) on typical protein interaction networks, enabling a more comprehensive tuning of alignment parameters for refined orthologies. %U http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/6/35/abstract