%0 Journal Article %T Power Flow Analysis Using Load Tap ¨C Changing Transformer (LTCT): A Case Study of Nigerian 330kv Transmission Grid System %A Adebayo I.G %A Adejumobi %A I.A. %A Adepoju %A G.A %J International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology %D 2013 %I %X In order to ensure that electrical power transfer fromgenerator to consumers through the grid system is stable, reliableand economical , it becomes imperative to carry out power flowstudies. This paper presents power flow solution incorporatingload tap changing transformer (LTCT) for solving the steadystateproblems of longitudinal power system using Nigerian330kV transmission system as a case study . In this work, theadopted numerical technique for solving the power flowproblems was the Newton Raphson iterative algorithm. Modifiedpower flow algorithm was implemented by the application ofvoltage control method using a load tap changing transformer(LTCT). Simulations were done using MATLAB softwarepackage .The results obtained from the existing condition of theNigerian 330 kV transmission Network indicate that the busvoltages at New Heaven (0.929p.u), Gombe (0.886p.u), andKano(0.880p.u) were below the set of binding limits that is,10% tolerance. With the incorporation of LTCT, voltagemagnitudes of 0.995p.u, 0.950p.u and 0.996p.u were obtained atNew Heaven, Gombe and Kano respectively, while the totalsystem active power loss on the transmission line also reduced byabout 5.1%. %K Power Flow %K LTCT %K power system %K active power loss %K voltage magnitude %U http://www.ijeat.org/attachments/File/v2i3/C1074022313.pdf