%0 Journal Article %T Intraosseous line: Analysis of knowledge in nursing %A RAQUEL VALLEJO DE LA PAZ %A A£¿NGELES PEINADO VALERIANO %A JESU£¿S DE LA PAZ JIME£¿NEZ %J P¨¢ginasenferurg.com %D 2012 %I Plataforma Enferurg %X Because of the role that the intraosseous line takes in the new American Heart Association (AHA) and European Resuscitation Council (ERC) recommendations in 2010 as the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), we evaluated the knowledge of this pathway among nurses of Jae n. We conducted a cross sectional study in different health centres of the province through multiple choice closed polls and further analysis with SPSS, between August and September 2011. Variables analyzed included age, availability, theoretical knowledge and interest in renewing it. As sample we used 174 randomly selected nurses whose average age was 37.94 years (SD ¡À 8.14). We found no notable statistical significance between age and knowledge (U. of Mann-Whitney and T-Student independent samples). Only 53.4% recognized the intervention as belonging to nursing practice. Out of 52.9% who declared having a set, 69.56% have received training and 73.91% said that their knowledge of this pathway is mediocre or poor. 96% would like to receive training on second routes in emergencies since 69% acknowledge that they have had situations where it has not been possible to channel a peripheral pathway. In these situations,40.8% recognized the intraosseous route as an alternative. The two most controversial points are the extraction of analysis and verification of the placement of this route. We conclude that the professionals surveyed are calling for more training on this pathway which they consider a weak point in interventions typical to the nursing practice as reflected in their own self-assessment. %K Intraosseus line %K intraosseus puncture %K Jae n %K Nursing Interventions Classification %K nursing %U http://www.paginasenferurg.com/revistas/2012/marzo/viaintraosea.pdf