%0 Journal Article %T Public Policies and Public Library-Emergent Literacy Relationship in the USA / Amerika Birle ik Devletleri¡¯nde Kamu Politikalar ve Halk K¨¹t¨¹phanelerinin Erken Okuma-Yazma levi ile li kisi %A Y£¿lmaz %A Arif %J Bilgi D¨¹nyas£¿ %D 2009 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne?i %X Son on y l, Amerika¡®da ocuklar n erken okuma-yazma geli imleri ¨¹zerine b¨¹y¨¹k bir ilginin oda oldu. B¨¹t¨¹n kamu kurumlar e itime destek er evesinde g rev ve vizyon durumlar n Federal h¨¹k¨¹metin de deste iyle b¨¹y¨¹yen bu ilgiye destek olabilmek amac yla yeniden de erlendirmeye ald lar. Federal h¨¹k¨¹met ocuklar n erken okuma-yazmaya olan ilgilerinin desteklenmesini e itli kanunlarla destekledi ve Amerikan K¨¹t¨¹phane Derne i ba ta olmak ¨¹zere di er k¨¹t¨¹phane dernekleri ve ilgili b¨¹t¨¹n kamu kurumlar g rev tan mlar n yenilediler. Bununla beraber, halk k¨¹t¨¹phaneleri, toplumun her kesiminden insanlara a k ve ¨¹cretsiz eri im sa layan bir kurum olarak, ocuklar n erken okuma-yazma geli imini destekleyebilecek en nemli kurumlar n ba nda g sterildi. Bu ba lamda bu al mada, bir halk k¨¹t¨¹phanesinin personelinin konuya olan bak a s ve bu konuyla ilgili olarak verdikleri hizmetler de erlendirildi. al man n sonu lar na g re se ilen halk k¨¹t¨¹phanesinin personeli her ne kadar para sorunlar ba ta olmak ¨¹zere toplumun her kesimine eri mede zorluklarla kar la salar da konunun neminin fark nda olup bu ba lamda hizmet vermeye al maktad rlar.In the USA, last decade witnessed a huge interest in children¡¯s early literacy development. All public agencies, as a part of public support to education, started to align their visions and missions to contribute to this sort of interest along with the support of the federal government. The Federal Government supported this growing interest with several acts and hence, all public agencies including ALA and other library associations revised their mission statements. Public libraries, with their special feature of the equal and free access to the public they serve, were considered to be one of the most appropriate places to support children¡¯s early literacy development. In that context, a public library was chosen in terms of its staffs¡¯ perceptions of early literacy and their services to the clientele. The study results revealed that the library staff believe in the importance of children¡¯s early literacy development, and prepare programs to support it, although they have some constraints such as shortage of funds and difficulties in reaching all the people in the community. %K Public libraries %K Public policy issues %K Literacy %K Preschool children %K Halk k¨¹t¨¹phaneleri %K Kamu politikalar konular %K Okuma-yazma %K Okul ncesi ocuklar %U http://www.unak.org.tr/BilgiDunyasi/gorusler/2009/cilt10/sayi1/80-94.pdf