%0 Journal Article %T Secure Data Aggregation and Data Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks %A Mr. J. John Major %A Prof. Shajin Prince %A Mr. Akuluri Rakesh %J International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology %D 2013 %I %X several data aggregation schemes based on privacy homomorphism encryption have been designed and reviewed on wireless sensor networks. Cluster heads can exactly aggregate the cipher texts without decryption; thus, transmission overhead is reduced. Though, the base station only fetches the aggregated result, which origin two problems. First, the usage of aggregation function is obliged. Second, the base station cannot confirm the data integrity and authenticity. This paper go to overcome the above two drawbacks. In the design, the base station can recover all the sensing data even the data has been aggregated. Besides, the design has been concluded and adopted on both homogeneous and heterogeneous wireless sensor networks. %K Data aggregation %K Wireless sensor networks %K Privacy homomorphism encryption. %U http://www.ijeat.org/attachments/File/v2i3/C1099022313.pdf