%0 Journal Article %T T¨ırkiyeĦŻde Hukuk Bilgisine Eri im = Accessing Legal Information Sources in Turkey %A Bezirci %A Pervin Dedeler %J Bilgi D¨ınyas£ż %D 2010 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨ıt¨ıphanecileri Derne?i %X G¨ın¨ım¨ızde toplumsal geli meler ve k¨ıresel etkile imler ile bilgi kaynaklar nda teknolojinin etkisinin yo unla mas her alanda oldu u gibi hukuk alan nda da kaynak say s n n artmas na bunun paralelinde eri im yollar n n e itlenmesine yol a maktad r. Hukuk bilgisinin kullan c lar n n b¨ıy¨ık bir o unlu unu akademisyenler, avukatlar, hakimler, hukuk rencileri ve hukuk m¨ı avirleri olu tururlar. Hukuk bilgisi kullan c lar n n beklentileri ve talepleri y¨ıksektir. Bilgiye ihtiya duyuldu u anda ula labilmeli, edinilen sonu lar ge erlili ini yitirmemi olmal , bilgiler mutlaka do ru, eksiksiz ve detayl olmal d r. Bu unsurlar n sa lanabilmesi i in hukuk kaynaklar na eri im yol ve y ntemlerini bilmek ve uygulamak b¨ıy¨ık nem arz etmektedir. Bu makalede de T¨ırkiye'de hukuk bilgisine eri im konusu a klanmaya al lacakt r. ncelikle genel bilgiye eri ime ili kin kavramlara ve hukuk kavramlar na k saca de inildikten sonra T¨ırkiye'deki hukuk kaynaklar na eri im anlat lacakt r. Currently, like in other fi elds, in the fi eld of law as well, the societal developments, global interactions and the increasing importance of technology in acquiring information resources have led to a rapid augmentation in the number of sources, furthermore, these improvements have resulted in having access to various sources. The great majority of the users of law-relatedinformation are academics, lawyers, judges, students studying law and law consultants. The expectations and demands of these information users are very high. The relevant sources must be immediately reached, the sources in question must be updated, and they have to be accurate and comprehensive. In order to meet such requirements of those users, to know and to apply the means and methods of access to the related information are of essential signifi cance. Thus, this study is an attempt to demonstrate the issue of access to law-related-information in Turkey. Following an initial examination on the general concepts related to the access of information and a brief overview on the key judicial concepts, the study will go on to elucidate the ways and methods of obtaining law-related-information in Turkey. %K Bilgi Eri im %K Bilgi Kaynaklar %K Hukuk Kaynaklar %K Information Retrieval %K Information Sources %K Legal Sources %U http://uvt.ulakbim.gov.tr/uvt/index.php?cwid=9&vtadi=TPRJ%2CTTAR%2CTTIP%2CTMUH%2CTSOS%2CTHUK&ano=109752_c4704e786f419b3f5c513805bb0921a0