%0 Journal Article %T Learning to Reflect in Online Fantasy Role-Playing Games evrim-i i Fantazi Oyunlar nda Yans may (Tefekk¨¹r¨¹) renme %A Medeni %A Tun£¿ %A Miyata %A Kazunori %A Sa£¿san %A Mustafa %J Bilgi D¨¹nyas£¿ %D 2009 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne?i %X The online role-playing games and their virtual communities, which are free and runby volunteers, attract much attention from business and academics, although studieson smaller gaming communities are still limited. One of these small online fantasy roleplayingcommunities, the world of Wold, is researched, using participant observationand Internet interviewing techniques within an e-research framework. After providingbackground information about the research, the paper then presents the conceptualframework, which consists of three main parts: (1) use of asynchronous communicationtools for learning and reflection, (2) conceptualization of reflection, and (3) role of roleplayingand storytelling in reflection and learning. In the light of this framework, researchfindings about the learning and reflection that occurs at (1) intrapersonal, (2) personaland (3) interpersonal levels in online role-playing games will be discussed. The paper willthen be concluded by research implications and limitations. It is hoped that, relating tolearning in terms of developing sustainable virtual communities for reflective learning, thisresearch will provide insights into the function of multiplayer games for serious purposeslike learning and socialization, as well as the role of hard technology for soft purposes likereflective learning and practice.G n¨¹ll¨¹ler taraf ndan oynanan ve ¨¹cretsiz olan evrim i i rol oyunlar ve sanaltopluluklar , daha k¨¹ ¨¹k oyun topluluklar yla ilgili al malar s n rl say da olmas nara men, i ve akademi evresinde daha fazla cezbedici hale gelmi tir. Bu al mada bu k¨¹ ¨¹k evrim i i fantezi rol oyunlar topluluklar ndan birisi olan Wold¡¯un D¨¹nyas ele al nm ve kat l mc larla ilgili olarak nternet g r¨¹ meleri tekni i kullan lm t r.Ara t rman n arka plan yla ilgili enformasyon verildikten sonra, ara t rman n ¨¹ k s mdanolu an er evesi sunulmu tur. Bunlar, 1) renme ve tefekk¨¹r i in e zamans z ileti imara lar n n kullan lmas 2) tefekk¨¹r¨¹n kavramsalla t r lmas 3) tefekk¨¹r ve renmedehikaye anlat m ve rol oyunlar n n rol¨¹d¨¹r. Bu er eve nda, 1) ki inin kendisi ile2) bireysel olarak ve 3) ki iler ars nda olu an tefekk¨¹r ve renmeye ili kin bulgular, evrimi i rol oyunlar nda tart lm t r. al ma, yap lan ara t rman n uygulanabilirli i ves n rl l klar yla bir sonuca varm t r. Umulmaktad r ki, bu olgudaki geli me, renmeyle ilgilitefekk¨¹r¨¹n olu abilmesine y nelik geli mekte olan s¨¹rd¨¹r¨¹lebilir sanal topluluklar n okoyunculu bir y nde de i im g stermesini ve kat teknolojiden daha hafif tefekk¨¹re y nelik renme ve uygulamalara do ru bi %K Bilgi payla m %K Bilgi ¨¹retimi %K Rol oyunlar %K Yans ma (tefekk¨¹r) %K Knowledge sharing %K Knowledge creation %K Role-playing %K Reflection %K Communities of practice %U http://www.unak.org.tr/BilgiDunyasi/gorusler/2009/cilt10/sayi2/139-162.pdf