%0 Journal Article %T PROPOSAL FOR REVIEW OF RESTRICTIONS AND LOGISTIC OPPORTUNITIES IN AN EAST AFRICAN PORT: FROM A TECHNICAL MISSION PROPOSTA DE AN¨¢LISE DAS RESTRI ES E DAS OPORTUNIDADES LOG¨ªSTICAS EM PORTO LOCALIZADO NO LESTE DA ¨¢FRICA: NOTAS DE MISS O T¨¦CNICA %A Robson Quinello %A Jose Roberto Nicoletti %A Marilson Alves Gon£¿alves %J Future Studies Research Journal : Trends and Strategies %D 2010 %I Funda??o Instituto de Administra??o %R 10.7444/future.v2i1.18 %X The logistics went over the century, as noted by Gon alves (2007), from a fragmented and diluted within and value of organizations profile to a critical role in the strategy of the networks and chains of international business. For the twenty-first century, as will be seen in this article, logistics goes beyond these functions going to represent a social and political role in international relations between countries. The installation of a port located in East Africa near the Red Sea, the critical incident will be reviewed during a technical mission undertaken by a researcher in 2009. This research field, in the form of checklist, appoint the main barriers in infrastructure, information, rules and norms. The results indicate critical constraints of infrastructure and institutional opportunities that impact the implementation of new developments there. We will show that the progressive development of organizational arrangement to a complex undertaking, such as ports, can be key role in reversing the condition of misery and poverty in African countries. A log¨ªstica passou ao longo do s¨¦culo XX, como lembra Gon alves (2007), de um perfil fragmentado e dilu¨ªdo no interior e no valor das organiza es, para um papel cr¨ªtico na estrat¨¦gia das redes e cadeias de neg¨®cios internacionais. Para o s¨¦culo XXI, como ser¨¢ observada nesse artigo, a log¨ªstica extrapola essas fun es passando a representar um papel pol¨ªtico e social nas rela es internacionais entre pa¨ªses. A instala o de um porto localizado no leste africano, pr¨®ximo ao Mar Vermelho, ser¨¢ o incidente cr¨ªtico analisado durante uma miss o t¨¦cnica empreendida por um dos pesquisadores no ano de 2009. Essa pesquisa de campo, sob a forma de di¨¢rio de bordo, apontar¨¢ as principais barreiras no ambito das infra-estruturas, das informa es, das regras e dos princ¨ªpios culturais. Os resultados indicam restri es cr¨ªticas de infra-estrutura e oportunidades institucionais que impactam na implanta o de empreendimentos naquele local. Ser¨¢ demonstrado que o desenvolvimento progressivo do arranjo organizacional de um empreendimento complexo, como o portu¨¢rio, pode ser papel chave na invers o da condi o de mis¨¦ria e de pobreza nos pa¨ªses africanos. %U http://www.revistafuture.org/index.php/FSRJ/article/view/18