%0 Journal Article %T Kurumsal Bilgi Kayna Olarak E-posta Y netim Sistemleri = E-mail Management Systems as an Enterprise Information Resource %A K¨¹lc¨¹ %A £¿zg¨¹r %J Bilgi D¨¹nyas£¿ %D 2012 %I ?niversite ve Ara?t?rma K¨¹t¨¹phanecileri Derne?i %X al mada, e-posta kullan m ve y netimine ili kin uluslararas ko ullar incelenmekte, bu er evede T¨¹rkiye¡¯de 28 kurum rne inde ger ekle tirilen anket verileri de erlendirilmektedir. Betimleme y nteminin kullan ld al mada literat¨¹r incelemesi ve anket tekniklerine dayanarak gerekli veriler elde edilmi tir. Ara t rmada e-posta kullan m na ili kin elde edilen verilerin, ilgili alanda sistemler geli tirmeye al an ara t rmac lara yard mc olmas beklenmektedir. Kurumsal e-posta y netimine ili kin temel sorunlar aras nda mesajlar n ¨¹retimi, d¨¹zenlenmesi, ay klanmas ve uzun s¨¹re korunmas n i eren e-posta y netim sistemlerinin geli tirilmesi yer almaktad r. Ayr ca insan kaynaklar , mali ve idari konular n y netimi ile belge ve ar iv y netimi al malar n kapsam na alan, i erisine e-posta y netiminin de dahil oldu u sistemlerin b¨¹t¨¹nle tirilmesi g¨¹ncel ara t rma konular aras ndad r. / This study examines the universal usage and management of e-mail communication and compares with the data, gathered from 28 Turkish institutions. This is a descriptive research in nature and the quantitative data were collected through surveys. It is expected that the results one-mail communication and its usage styles will shed a ligth into researcher who are working on system development. One of the basic problems of organizational e-mail management systems are lack of e-mail systems including message creation, maintenance, disposition, and long term preservation. Furthermore, the results indicate that integration of human resources management, financial and administrative management systems and archival management systems with e-mail managment system is another major problem. %K E-posta y netimi %K Elektronik belge y netimi %K Kurumsal i erik y netimi %K E-mail management %K Electronic records management %K Enterprise content management %U http://bd.org.tr/index.php/bd/article/view/12/32