%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n experimental del clorotalonil en el control de la sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) en plantaciones de pl芍tano (Musa spp. AAB) Experimental assessment of chlorothalonil for controlling Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) in plantain (Musa spp AAB) %A Jos谷 Vicente Lazo %A Jos谷 Alfredo Muˋoz %A An赤bal Escalona %J Bioagro %D 2012 %I Decanato de Agronom赤a de la Universidad Centroccidental %X Para evaluar la eficacia y selectividad del fungicida Clorotalonil en el control de la Sigatoka Negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) se realizaron dos ensayos de campo ubicados en plantaciones comerciales de pl芍tano del estado M谷rida, Venezuela. En cada ensayo se utiliz車 un dise o de bloques al azar, con cuatro replicaciones y cinco tratamientos: Clorotalonil (formulaci車n experimental) a 1,0; 1,5; y 2,0 kg﹞ha-1, un testigo comercial (Bravo 500) a 2 L﹞ha-1, y un testigo absoluto no tratado. Se realiz車 una 迆nica aplicaci車n por tratamiento al observarse los primeros s赤ntomas de da o de la enfermedad. La determinaci車n de los valores de eficacia de control se bas車 en el c芍lculo de las variables, promedio ponderado de infecci車n (PPI), hoja m芍s joven enferma (HMJE), porcentaje de hojas sanas (% HS) y n迆mero de hojas por planta (H/P) que fueron establecidas tomando como base el m谷todo de Stover modificado por Gauhl, para la evaluaci車n de la incidencia y severidad del da o causado por la enfermedad. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que la eficacia de control de todos los tratamientos fungicidas fue estad赤sticamente significativa con respecto al testigo absoluto en funci車n del comportamiento de las variables PPI, HMJE, % HS y HP. Todas las dosis fungicidas fueron altamente selectivas al cultivo. To evaluate the efficacy and selectivity of the fungicide chlorothalonil in the control of Black Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis), two experimental field trials located in commercial crops of plantain in Merida State, were performed. Each experiment consisted on a randomized block design with 4 replications and 5 treatments: Chlorothalonil (experimental formulation) at rates of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg﹞ha-1, a commercial check (Bravo 500: 2 L﹞ha-1), and an untreated check. A single application was made when the first symptoms of the disease appeared in the plantain leaves. The quantitation of effectiveness of control was based on the calculation of the following variables: weighted average of infection (PPI), the youngest leaf affected (HMJE), the percentage of healthy leaves (% HS) and the number of leaves per plant (H/P), all of which were established based on the method of Stover, as amended by Gauhl, to assess the incidence and severity of damage caused by the disease. Results showed that effectiveness of all fungicide treatments were statistically significant with respect to absolute check, according to the performance of the variables, PPI, HMJE, % HS and HP. All fungicide treatments were highly selective to the crop. %K Eficacia y selectividad de fungicidas %K incidencia y severidad de la enfermedad %K Musaceae %K Efficacy and selectivity of fungicides %K and severity of the disease %K Musaceae %U http://wwww.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1316-33612012000200007