%0 Journal Article %T INFORMATION RECYCLING MATHEMATICAL METHODS FOR PROTEAN SYSTEMS: A PATH-WAY APPROACH TO A GEOMETRIC PROGRAM %A S. Kumar %J South African Journal of Industrial Engineering %D 2012 %I SAIIE %X ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is assumed that input values in a mathematical model may change frequently due to interactions that may be external or internal and/or may be due to design considerations. This changing environment is typical in a design situation where various possibilities are tried out before accepting one as the final design. Within the changing environment, a solution procedure has been described that attempts to obtain the solution to the changed problem by using the information and results already available from the solution of the problem that was obtained before changes occurred. The author in [15] has called this a ¡®path-way¡¯ approach, and terms all such methods based on this philosophy as ¡°information recycling mathematical methods¡±. In this paper, a geometric program (GP) is considered under a protean environment. AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die insetwaardes van ¡®n wiskundige model verander dikwels as gevolg van interne of eksterne interaksies en/of ontwerpaanpassings. Al te dikwels vind dit plaas wanneer die ontwerpomgewing vereis dat verskeie ontwerpe oorweeg moet word voordat ¡®n finale besluit gemaak word. Vir hierdie situasie word ¡®n oplossing beskryf wat tred hou met die milieu van verandering. Die outeur beskryf die metode via die analoog van ¡®n ¡°voetpad¡±-benadering, en doop die filosife met die elegante naam ¡°wiskunde sikliese inligtingsmetodes¡±. Geometriese programmering word ingespan in ¡®n proteusagtige omgewing. %U http://sajie.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/148