%0 Journal Article %T Ethical evaluation of pharmaceutical marketing in Pakistan Evaluaci¨®n ¨¦tica del mercado farmac¨¦utico en Pakist¨¢n Avalia o ¨¦tica do mercado farmac¨ºutico no Paquist o %A M Ahmad %A N Akhtar %A M.H.A Awan %A G Murtaza2 %J Acta Bioethica %D 2011 %I %X Our aim in this study is to give a broad overview of the main ethical and legal challenges of pharmaceutical marketing. The purpose of this study was also to investigate unethical pharmaceutical marketing, the effect on physicians of receiving gifts, the influences of perceptions regarding the importance of ethics and social responsibility on ethical intentions of marketing professionals. It also investigates the effect of unethical marketing on ultimate consumer (patient). Questionnaire based survey study was conducted from two main categories: (i) physicians/consultants and (ii) pharmaceutical companies. In Pakistan, there is no mechanism to monitor the drug promotional campaign by pharmaceutical industry despite the fact that there is enough evidence that irrational pharmacotherapy is increasingly encountered even in the developed countries due to unethical practices of pharmaceutical promotion. Medical practitioners and the pharmaceutical industry serve interests that sometimes overlap and sometimes conflict. There is strong evidence that associations between industry and physicians influence the behaviour of the latter in relation to both clinical decision making and ethical promotion of drugs. The basic principles underlying the conduct of physicians with respect to pharmaceutical companies should be openness and transparency. Nuestro objetivo es dar una amplia visi¨®n de los principales desaf¨ªos ¨¦ticos y legales del mercado farmac¨¦utico. El prop¨®sito de este estudio fue investigar faltas ¨¦ticas en el mercado farmac¨¦utico, el efecto de la recepci¨®n de regalos por parte de los medicos y la influencia de las percepciones respecto de la importancia de la ¨¦tica y la responsabilidad social en las intenciones ¨¦ticas de los profesionales del mercado. Tambi¨¦n se investig¨® el efecto de las faltas ¨¦ticas sobre el consumidor ¨²ltimo (el paciente). Se realiz¨® un estudio, mediante una encuesta cuestionario, con dos categor¨ªas principales: (i) m¨¦dicos/consultores y (ii) empresas farmac¨¦uticas. En Pakist¨¢n no existe un mecanismo para monitorear la campa a promocional de medicamentos realizada por la industria farmac¨¦utica, a pesar de existir bastante evidencia de que ha aumentado la farmacoterapia irracional, incluso en pa¨ªses en desarrollo, debido a pr¨¢cticas contrarias a la ¨¦tica de la promoci¨®n farmac¨¦utica. Los m¨¦dicos practicantes y la industria farmac¨¦utica sirven a intereses que algunas veces se superponen y otras entran en conflicto. Existe fuerte evidencia de que las asociaciones entre la industria y los m¨¦dicos influyen el comportamiento de los ¨²ltimos, t %K mercado farmac¨¦utico %K ¨¦tica de mercado %K regalos a m¨¦dicos %K relaci¨®n industria-m¨¦dico %K promoci¨®n farmac¨¦utica y muestras de medicamentos %K mercado farmac¨ºutico %K ¨¦tica de mercado %K brindes a m¨¦dicos %K rela o ind¨²stria-m¨¦dico %K promo o farmac¨ºutica e amostras de medicamentos %K pharmaceutical marketing %K ethic in marketing %K gifting to physician %K physician-industry relationship %K pharmaceutical promotion and drug samples %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1726-569X2011000200008