%0 Journal Article %T Dynamic Storage Assurance on Cloud Computing %A P. Dhanalakshmi %A V. Ramesh %J International Journal of Engineering Innovations and Research %D 2013 %I IJEIR %X Cloud computing investigate the problem of data security in cloud data storage, which is essentially a distributed storage system. Distributed storage integrity auditing mechanism, utilizes the homomorphic token and distributed erasure-coded data. The proposed design allows users to audit the cloud storage with very lightweight communication and computation cost. The auditing result not only ensures strong cloud storage correctness guarantee, but also simultaneously achieves fast data error localization, i.e., the identi cation of misbehaving server and recover the corrupted data. Considering the cloud data are dynamic in nature, the proposed design further supports secure and efficient dynamic operations on outsourced data, including block modi cation, deletion, and append. Analysis shows the pro-posed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against Byzan-tine failure, malicious data modi cation attack, and even server colluding attacks. With the advent of data storage and new technology trends that result in new failure modes for storage, interesting challenges arise in ensuring data integrity and security. In this paper, we discuss the cause of integrity violations and implementation issues to perform efficient integrity assurance. The main aim of this paper is to prevent the file from integrity violations and recovering the corrupted file with low cost overhead. %K cloud computing %K Third Party Auditor %K Error Localization %K Distributed Storage %K Token Computation %U http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/fulltxt.php?ICID=1050441