%0 Journal Article %T Oxidative Stress Indexes in Normal Delivery and Its Correlation with Indexes in Newborns %A Katayon Vakilian %A Akram Ranjbar %A Mahtab Atarha %J Knowledge & Health Journal %D 2010 %I Shahroud University of Medical Sciences %X Introduction: Lipid peroxidation is a normal phenomenon that occurs continuously at low parts of the human body. However, if these peroxidation reactions are not controlled by antioxidant defense, they can in part be toxic to cells and membranes. It seems that pregnancy and labor can produce oxidative stress. So, this research was carried out to assess oxidative stress in pregnancy and normal delivery. Methods: In this analytic cross sectional study, two 60-membrgroups of pregnant and normally delivering women were selected. Having signed an informed consent form, in order to measure oxidative stress indexes, the researchers obtained 5cc vein blood from the participants. The blood from the pregnant women was obtained in 38-40 weeks of pregnancy, and in the normally delivering group the blood was obtained during the full dilatation in labor. Inclusion criteria for the two groups were not having any acute or chronic diseases, being prim para and having singleton pregnancy. Immediately after delivery of the fetus, and after providing care for the delivering mothers, blood samples were collected from their newborns. Results: The mean age of the pregnant group was 22.8¡À.52 and of the delivering group 21.4¡À1.8. The mean of lipid peroxidation significantly higher in the delivering women (5.58 nmol/l) than pregnant women (3.64 nmol/l). There was also a positive correlation between labor lipid peroxidation, and thiol groups and total antioxidant capacity women with newborns. Conclusion: The data showed a significant difference between lipid peroxidation in pregnancy and labor, so that peroxidation was higher in delivery. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between oxidative stress indexes in delivering mothers and their newborns. It seems it is necessary to reinforce antioxidant defense in mothers and mothers need to use antioxidant supplements during pregnancy %K Keywords: Lipid peroxidation %K Antioxidant %K Thiol %K FRAP %K Labor %K Pregnancy. %U http://mag.shmu.ac.ir/library/upload/article/af_335372726-10-89.pdf