%0 Journal Article %T On the increasing occurrence of the Bluespotted Cornetfish Fistularia commersonii (R¨ąppel, 1838) in the Central Mediterranean (Osteichthyes, Fistulariidae) %A Alan Deidun %J Biodiversity Journal %D 2011 %I Edizioni Danaus, Palermo %X The increasing occurrence of the blue-spotted cornet fish Fistularia commersonii, a highly successfulLessepsian migrant, within coastal waters of Sicily and of the Maltese Islands is hereby recorded. Reports ofrecent sightings of the species within such a marine area are documented and these suggest the establishmentof viable populations for the species within the same marine area. %K Fistularia commersonii %K Sicily %K Maltese Islands %K Lessepsian migrant %U http://www.biodiversityjournal.com/pdf/2_19-26.pdf