%0 Journal Article %T New faunistic records of Jewel beetles from Southern Italy and Sardinia (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) %A Francesco Izzillo %J Biodiversity Journal %D 2010 %I Edizioni Danaus, Palermo %X Three species of Buprestidae are reported for the first time from two Italian regions: Anthaxia (s. str.) midasssp. oberthuri Schaefer, 1937, and Anthaxia (s. str.) salicis (Fabricius, 1777) new to Campania, and Agrilus(Spiragrilus) hyperici (Creutzer, 1799) new to Sardinia. Short notes on ethology and larval development ofA. midas oberthuri are also given. %K Coleoptera %K Buprestidae %K new faunistic records %K Italy %U http://www.biodiversityjournal.com/pdf/1_3-6.pdf