%0 Journal Article %T Dilip Subramanian, Telecommunications Industry in India: State, Business and Labour in a Global Economy %A David Picherit %J South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal %D 2011 %I Centre dĄŻEtudes de lĄŻInde et de lĄŻAsie du Sud %X In 1948, Indian Telephone Industries (ITI), a telecommunications equipment manufacturer, became IndiaĄŻs first State-run enterprise. In 2009, the company was privatized. Dilip SubramanianĄŻs book provides a remarkable in-depth history of the journey of this Indian State-owned factory in post-colonial India, from the birth of the Nehruvian model of industrialization to the contemporary deregulation of the telecommunications industry. In a context of global neoliberal policies and discourses agai... %U http://samaj.revues.org/3146