%0 Journal Article %T Constructing Outraged Communities and State Responses:The Taslima Nasreen Saga in 1994 and 2007 %A Ali Riaz %J South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal %D 2008 %I Centre d¡¯Etudes de l¡¯Inde et de l¡¯Asie du Sud %X Taslima Nasreen, the exiled Bangladeshi author, was forced to leave India, her adopted homeland, in March 2008 after being under ¡®security protection¡¯ for months following street agitation against her writings in Kolkata. The events between August 2007, when she was physically attacked in Hyderabad, and March 2008, when she left the country, were reminiscent of those in Bangladesh in 1994 which led to her departure from there. In both instances, the states¡¯ responses were her forced removal from the country to placate the agitators. In this paper I analyze the events on the ground and the responses of the states. I argue that these events demonstrate how ¡®outraged communities¡¯ are constructed, and symbols are invented to mobilize the community. The role of state has received little attention in the extant discussions while I contend that states bear a significant responsibility in engendering the controversy. %K Bangladesh %K Taslima Nasreen %K India %K Outraged Community %K Religion %K Islamist %K Symbol %K Emotion %K Other %U http://samaj.revues.org/1262