%0 Journal Article %T Principal Component Analysis and Neural Networks for Authorship Attribution %A Mehmet Can %J Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Computing %D 2012 %I %X A common problem in statistical pattern recognition isthat of feature selection or feature extraction. Feature selectionrefers to a process whereby a data space is transformed into a featurespace that, in theory, has exactly the same dimension as the originaldata space. However, the transformation is designed in such a waythat the data set may be represented by a reduced number of"effective" features and yet retain most of the intrinsic informationcontent of the data; in other words, the data set undergoes adimensionality reduction.In this paper the data collected by counting selected syntacticcharacteristics in around a thousand paragraphs of each of thesample books underwent a principal component analysis performedusing neural networks. Then, first of the principal components areused to distinguish authors of the texts by the use of multilayerpreceptor type artificial neural networks. %K principal components %K authorship attribution %K stylometry %K text categorization %K function words %K stylistic features %K syntactic characteristics %K multilayer preceptor %K artificial neural network %U http://www.scjournal.com.ba/index.php/scjournal/article/view/18/14