%0 Journal Article %T Toxicity and Biological Activity of a New Bone Substituting Material Based on Nondemineralised Collagen Containing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor %A §¡.A. Muraev %A S.Yu. Ivanov %A V.M. Ryabova %A §¡.§¡. Artifexova %J Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine %D 2012 %I Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development %X The aim of the investigation is to study in vitro and in vivo biological properties of a new osteoplastic material on the basis of non-demineralized collagen containing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and assess its toxicity and its effect on neoangiogenesis. Materials and methods. In vitro (I stage) there was estimated biological activity and toxicity of the composition ¡ª bone collagen + VEGF ¡ª obtained by various techniques. Biological properties of the developed material were studied in vivo at the II stage. The obtained samples of conjugated materials were analyzed for toxicity in regard to cultivated cells: transformed fibroblasts of L929 line mice and HUVEC (Human umbilical vein endothelial cells).Conclusion. Biomaterial obtained using cross-link of nondemineralized bone collagen and vascular endothelial growth factor using NHS-aminoreactive ester is the least toxic in vitro models based on potential target cells that are likely to be the main cellular elements in tissue regeneration area. This technique of obtaining biomaterials was used further in order to receive the material for in vivo experiments. %K Osteoplastic material %K Nondemineralized collagen %K Vascular endothelial growth factor %K Osseous tissue regeneration. %U http://www.stm-journal.ru/_resources/item/795/fields/File/stm_3_2012_s3_p19_25.pdf