%0 Journal Article %T Correlation of Functional Values of Left Ventricular Myocardium and the Data of Subjective State of Patients with Chronic Coronary Occlusion %A §¦.B. Shakhov %A §¦.G. Sharabrin %A §¦.B. Shakhova %A V.§¡. Monich %J Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine %D 2012 %I Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development %X The aim of the investigation is to study the correlation of functional values of left ventricular myocardium and the data of subjective state of patients with chronic coronary occlusion according to echocardiography findings and a new technique of subjective state assessment of patients with incomplete myocardial revascularization. Materials and methods. The treatment results of 74 patients with coronary occlusion were analyzed. The 1st group consisted of 35 (47%) patients with chronic occlusion localized in the right coronary artery, the 2nd -¡ª 15 (20%) patients with chronic occlusion in anterior descending artery, the 3rd ¡ª 24 (33%) patients with chronic occlusion of circumflex branch of coronary artery. All the patients underwent complete clinical and instrumental examination including echocardiography, angiography and history taking of subjective state of patients. Subjective state of patients was assessed by an original technique three times: preoperatively, a day after admission; on the 3rd day after the operation, and 3 months after surgery. The results obtained were correlated with the effect of the disease and X-ray endovascular treatment on physical, psychological, emotional and social states of a person. Conclusion. According to the technique of subjective state assessment of patients developed by the authors, incomplete X-ray endovascular myocardial revascularization contributes to the increase of psychological and social level functioning in early postoperative periods. In accordance with the echocardiography findings, complete recovery of left ventricular myocardial function in arterial occlusive disease can fail to be observed in early postoperative periods due to collateral myocardial hypoperfusion in the zone of chronic ischemia. %K Incomplete revascularization %K Chronic o§ãclusions %K Echocardiographic indices %K Subjective state %U http://www.stm-journal.ru/_resources/item/658/fields/File/stm-1-2012_s6_p39-43_1.pdf