%0 Journal Article %T Prognostic Value of Age for Patients with Early Breast Cancer %A I.V. Kolyadina %A I.V. Poddubnaya %A C.J.H. van de Velde %A P.J.K. Kuppen %J Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine %D 2012 %I Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development %X The aim of the investigation is the study of prognostic significance of age in early breast cancer (T1N0M0-stage) on the basis of large clinical data.Materials and methods. In multi-centre study included archival data of patients with early breast cancer (T1N0M0-stage) who had been treated from 1985 to 2009 in Russia (N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of RAMS and Clinic of Russian Medical Academy for Postgraduate Education ¡ª 1036 female) and in the Netherlands (Leiden University Medical Center, LUMC ¡ª 560 patients). For comparison there were studied the data of Dutch Cancer Database (22196 patients included into National Archive from 1989 to 2009). Results. Age of patients is an important prognostic factor for early breast cancer: the rate of recurrences is higher in patients 50 years. In analyses was found predominance of patients > 50 years in the Netherlands for comparing with Russia and also was shown the growth of age of patients with early breast cancer during the twenty years in both countries. %K Early breast cancer T1N0M0-stage %K Prognostic significance of patients age %U http://www.stm-journal.ru/_resources/item/797/fields/File/stm-3-2012_s5_p31-35_1.pdf