%0 Journal Article %T Single access laparoscopic colorectal surgery: Lights and shadows %A Pignata G. %A Bracale U. %A Mijatovic S. %A Perna F. %J Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica %D 2012 %I Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade %R 10.2298/aci1202071p %X Introduction: To minimize the complications related to conventional multiport laparoscopic surgery, the single access laparoscopic surgery has been developed. Some results of case series and case-controlled studies are supporting the feasibility and safety of Single Access Laparoscopic Colectomy (SALC). Materials and Methods: Since January 2009 we performed all kind of colorectal procedure by a single access laparoscopic approach. We began with right colectomy that represent the only procedure in which we did not reproduce the same surgical steps of multiport laparoscopic surgery. In contrast, we reproduce the same surgical technique of multiport colorectal resection during a left or rectal single access laparoscopic procedure as well as total colectomy. Conclusion: About the transferability of SALC, programs of training need to focus on safety and techniques. We believe that only high laparoscopic skills surgeon can perform SALC. It¡¯s mandatory to evaluate outcomes and cost-effectiveness of SALC respect to multiport laparoscopic colectomy using randomized trials. %K laparoendoscopic single-site surgery %K minimally invasive surgery %K colorectal surgery %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0354-950X/2012/0354-950X1202071P.pdf