%0 Journal Article %T Sustainable tourism development in the Carpathian region in Serbia %A Popovi£¿ Vesna %A Miliji£¿ Sa£¿a %A Vukovi£¿ Predrag %J Spatium %D 2012 %I Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia %R 10.2298/spat1228045p %X This paper analyzes natural and anthropogenic tourism resources in the Carpathian region in Serbia, as well as legal and institutional frameworks which need to be strengthened with the aim of ensuring sustainable tourism development of the region. The sustainable tourism development will necessitate the linking of stakeholders within and at the level of the region, along with an adequate support at the national level in order to take advantage of numerous opportunities offered by an increasingly intense cross-border cooperation. Taking into account the greater number of protected areas and those planned to be protected in the Carpathian region, as well as specificities of tourism development in these areas, special attention in the paper has been given to sustainable tourism development of protected areas. %K sustainable tourism %K Carpathian region %K clusters %K local communities %K multi-sectoral approach %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-569X/2012/1450-569X1228045P.pdf