%0 Journal Article %T Redesigning the network of pedestrian spaces in the function of reduction of CO2 emission. Case study: Pan evo and Vr ac %A £¿uki£¿ Aleksandra %A Vukmirovi£¿ Milena %J Spatium %D 2012 %I Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia %R 10.2298/spat1227031d %X Research problem. The research problem is the increase of GHG and CO2 emissions in the transport sector, i.e. the intensification of urban transport activity in Serbia during the last 15 years. Focusing on redesigning of pedestrian networks as well as understanding the connections between urban design and pedestrian movement, the walkable environment could be achieved. In addition, as a direct result, a contribution would be made to a decrease of GHG and CO2 emission. Methodology. The following methods were used: analysis of the readability of open spaces, analysis of contents, rhythm and transparency on the ground floor of buildings and analysis of the intensity of use of open spaces using the Space Syntax method. Results. The results show a proportional relation between characteristics on ground floors of buildings and the intensity of pedestrian movement. Also, they enable the establishing of general recommendations for designing the immediate pedestrian environment and upgrading the quality of open public spaces. Conclusion. The improvement of the quality of pedestrian environment would have as its direct consequence greater use of open public spaces, and thus also increased intensity of pedestrian movement. In this manner, people would face a better quality and broader selection of contents and spaces. %K network of pedestrian spaces %K Pedestrian movement %K sustainable transport %K central area %K Serbia %K Pan evo %K Vr ac %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-569X/2012/1450-569X1227031D.pdf