%0 Journal Article %T National indicators for evaluating the outcome of reinventing spatial planning in Serbia %A D£żelebd£żi£ż Omiljena %A Bazik Dragana %J Spatium %D 2011 %I Institute of Architecture, Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia %R 10.2298/spat1124027d %X This paper is a follow-up to a research in the domain of theorizing planning practice and practising spatial planning theoretical approaches in the context of information-isation, globalisation and EU-isation. The theoretical framework contemplates the meaning of the spatial concept that is grounded in the duality of the information phenomenon and contemporary expression of the space notion, as a way of reinventing spatial planning. The operational framework discuses the spatial planning practice in Serbia through a brief explanation of applied methodology for identifying a suitable indicator set proposed for the implementation monitoring of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia 2010-2020. The national indicators set represents a theoretical model of knowledge for evaluating relational outcomes of spatial development complexity, and its spatial-temporal character represents a way of practising theoretical approaches as monitoring tools for spatial planning within the limits of the present regulatory system in Serbia. %K information phenomenon %K relational space %K spatial planning indicators %U http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/1450-569X/2011/1450-569X1124027D.pdf